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Mushin - Being Yasushi Yamanoi

Mushin - Being Yasushi Yamanoi

Mushin - Being Yasushi Yamanoi

Mushin - Being Yasushi Yamanoi

Published on 14/12/2023 “Mushin" is a zen mental state achieved when a person's mind is free from thoughts of anger, fear, or ego during combat or everyday life, so the person is totally free to ac...

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WIELICKI - The Lord of winter

WIELICKI - The Lord of winter

Publié le 25/05/2022 "Je crois que c'était toute une génération qui avait envie d'inscrire avec force son nom dans l'histoire de l'alpinisme. C'était aussi un par...

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Publié le 10/03/2022 - Nous avons maintenant décidé d'arrêter temporairement les livraisons vers la Russie. Nous croyons que la somme de nombreuses petites actions peut a...

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How climbing has changed my life by Angelika Rainer

How climbing has changed my life by Angelika Rainer

"I didn't have many friends at school, and at the secondary school I was also bullied.Climbing has given me freedom, both physical and mental”. Our athlete Angelika Rainer confesses to us how climb...

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Time to show up and be seen by Nikki Smith

Time to show up and be seen by Nikki Smith

Two years ago, the climbing photographer known as Nathan Smith saw no way out, after struggling for years with gender-identity issues in the male-dominated outdoor industry. Then—slowly, bravely—Ni...

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