Histoires de Grivel
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Goulotte Gabarrou-Albinoni 1974-2024 - 50e anniversaire
Les 50 ans d'une grande goulotte classique du massif du Mont Blanc, selon les mots de l'un des protagonistes, Patrick Gabarrou. Sous-titres en anglais, italien et français disponibles.
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Publié le 24/10/2023 L'attrait intemporel de la plus haute montagne du monde, dans les mots de Rinaldo Carrel (le premier Italien à l'avoir gravie en 1973) et de François Cazz...
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L'histoire de Toni Gobbi : de citoyen à guide de haute montagne - par Oliviero Gobbi
Publié le 12/08/2022 Toni Gobbi a été un alpiniste, un guide de haute montagne, un moniteur de ski et un entrepreneur. Né à Pavie en 1914 et grandi à Vicen...
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Superleggeri Grivel: les crampons qui ont poussé l'alpinisme au dessus de 8000m -de Gian Luca Gasca
Publié le 06.05.2022 "Ils ont grimpé la pente avec des crampons, sans couper les marches - aussi souhaitables qu'elles puissent paraître - parce qu'ils voulaient économis...
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Publié le 10/03/2022 - Nous avons maintenant décidé d'arrêter temporairement les livraisons vers la Russie. Nous croyons que la somme de nombreuses petites actions peut a...
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Escalade dans l'histoire: la Route Bonatti sur la face nord du Cervin par Damien Tomasi
Publié le 07/12/2021Pendant une quinzaine d’années, de 1950 à 1965, Walter Bonatti était sûrement le meilleur alpiniste du monde. 15 années penda...
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The revolutionary, the killer and the ice axe by Marina Morpurgo
Published on 09/07/2021 It is a just after 6 pm on the 20th of August 1940, when an ambulance arrives at Avenida Rio Churubusco in the suburb of Coyoacán in Mexico City, and rescuers enter i...
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Coleridge and the first sport climb in history by Marina Morpurgo
Published on 7/05/2021 On a Saturday morning in August 1802, the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge exits from Greta Hall - the great house in Keswick in the Lake District - with a backpack, which we wou...
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The engineer, the crampon and the beast by Marina Morpurgo
Published on 26/03/2021 Courmayeur, 1909. A badly dressed guy with a big brown beard enters the workshop of the blacksmith Henri Grivel, with a drawing in hand: it is that of a ten-pointed crampon,...
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It looks shit, but it was actually ok - movie
Ice climbing gear has lived a long and fascinating evolution. Discover it in the words of two protagonists: Stevie Haston and Ezio Marlier. To each their own!Sit back and Enjoy! #GrivelToEachThei...
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The dawn of sport climbing in Aosta Valley. Memories of a protagonist by Guido Azzalea
Published on 16/06/2020 It was the year 1970, I had attended a course of introduction to mountaineering with the Alpine Club of Aosta. The lessons were held at the gym of the Generale Cantore Castl...
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Steel Points in the Grivel forge - 1956 documentary
This exceptional video from 1956 shows how our ice axes and crampons were produced in those years. Many things have changed since then, but our passion is the same, as well as the awareness that ex...
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What do you know on the evolution of carabiners? Their history will help you choose the right carabiner for your needs.
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While modern ice axes have much better technical and mechanical features, no tool can compete in beauty and elegance with the traditional wooden ice axe.
En savoir plusClimb Different by Fernando « Féfé » Ferreira
There is not one climb, but many climbs, and height, difficulty, support don’t matter much. What matters is to climb. To climb in your own way, whatever the motivations.
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